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Summertime and The Living's Easy (In Your Own Backyard)

  It’s officially summer y’all and we couldn’t be more excited! When we think about summer we think of sunny days, cool drinks, and our kiddos and grand-kiddos playing outside. As much as we enjoy heading to the beach or pool, one of our favorite spots to hang with family and friends is right in the backyard. There's so much fun stuff to do, just steps away from home. So this summer why not discover the adventure in your own backyard?   GROW Now that the kids are out of school and have a lot more free time, it’s good to find activities to keep them busy (and away from those pesky screens). Our Sunny Side UP gardens are the...

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Go Green for Earth Day (& Everyday) with Help from Backyard Safari

Earth Day—we celebrate it every April 22nd but we really should be celebrating it every day of the year. We only have one planet so we need to make sure we take good care of it. Here’s the good news, our team at Backyard Safari Company wants to help!There’s always more we can do, so this year we’re sharing some of our favorite ways to give back to our Mother Earth. So let’s make sure we carry our good actions on Earth Day throughout the rest of the year by making new, better habits every day. Here are a few simple tasks to start practicing today:   GO GREEN Use natural products instead of pesticides on your lawn or outdoor...

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Get Your Gardens Ready, It's The Start Of Spring

Can you believe it? It's the first week of Spring!Even though our neighbors in the Northeast still have some snow on the ground, it doesn't mean we can't start talking about gardens. In fact, our gardens begin to grow inside anyway so it's the perfect time to start! Our line of Sunny Side Up Gardens is the perfect activity to do with your children, it will teach them how to grow their own plants and vegetables while also giving them the responsibility to take care of something. Just take a look at our Little Fresh Veggie Garden coming to life in the video below!   As you can see, our little crates come with everything you need—just add some love, care, and...

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